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Continue Your Recovery in Luxury

Our structured sober living provides men & women with the accountability & resources to ease your transition into post treatment life.

Orange County, CA

Structured Sober
Living Provider

At Stones of Recovery, we aim to provide our clients with the necessary structure and resources for a successful transition into post-treatment life. We understand that it can be difficult to navigate life after rehabilitation, which is why our sober living program supports clients in maintaining sobriety as they adjust to daily life. Our program requires clients to participate in a 12-Step program and adhere to random drug testing and breathalyzer protocols. Our team is committed to providing the support and accountability needed for lifelong recovery.

Newport Beach California Coastline

Why Orange County?

The Orange County recovery community is ranked among the best in the world. Added to the most popular treatment centers, the adult and adolescence recovery community is among the largest and most involved in the United States. Each week, there are more than 2,500 meetings of Alocholics Anonymous in Orange County. This doesn’t include the other 12-step program which are available. Orange County has the biggest sober living community for young people and there are a lot of sober events available in and around the greater OC area. As a result of the strong cultural presence and conducive weather, OC provides recovering individuals with many ways in which they can catch some fun. People from all over the globe travel to Orange County in order to begin their recovery journey and receive treatment.

Stones of Recovery Sober Living Provider
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9-5 PM

Sunday - Monday

2905 S Spruce Street

Santa Ana CA 92704 


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